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11 am - 5 pm 

Video Messages from SBMA Travel Leaders

On an SBMA Travel tour, a team of people work together to make the experience the best it can be. In-country guides, scholars, and tour managers often leave a lasting imprint on our travelers' hearts.

The travel industry employs one in ten workers worldwide. They educate us, they become friends, and they can feel like our family abroad. It seems to happen quickly on a tour that one connects with these individuals on a deeply personal level

Please allow us to introduce you to a few special guides who are part of the SBMA Travel community abroad.

Florencio Moreno
Cultural Anthropologist, Tour Organizer, Guide
Oaxaca, Mexico
Anil Bahal
Delhi, India
Nigel McGilchrist
Art Historian, Guide
Kythera, Greece
Karma Lotey
Susie Orso
Tour Organizer (Retired)
Florence, Italy
Rachel Griffin
Tour Organizer and Leader
New Jersey